Saturday, January 31, 2009
A rest day at Hm
I started revision in the late afternoon as i was chasing my Hk drama when i woke up in the early noon. However, i dosed off in the late evening while i was revising. I think i did not have enough sleep last night. As expected that i will have leg cramps whenever i walked too much for the day... I think the cramp was gone when my mum went into my room to off the air con around 5plus in the morning, after that, i did have quite a nice sleep until noon time.
I was so happy tat someone help me to get the formal pants at Bugis G2000 today.... So happy la!!! But i think need to be altered to suit my height... Haha....
Friday, January 30, 2009
Memorable Outing
Thursday, January 29, 2009
One presentation down
Yay! From tis wk onwards, our acc tut will be shift to thurs so that we don't need to go to school on Tuesday. This means that we have a 3 day week for the remaining 2-3 weeks left.
Just know that my exam papers fall on 24th and 25th Feb. That means we will have quite some time for revision... However, the last paper will be in the late noon. We will not be able to enjoy ourselves after the paper for long hours already...
Tomorrow outing with Sarah and Wenyi is cancelled as i received a sms from wenyi that her aunt just passes away yesterday. So sorry to hear that... Initially, we are going to watch movie as wenyi has 3 free movie passes but too bad, tml is the last day of validity. Hope she is doing fine now...
My mood today was not very good due to my attire. I decided to wear pants today just because i cannot wear high heels shoes for the moment. I though by wearing long pants will not make my ugly ah mah shoes so obvious. But the pants are still very baggy... Not very fitting at all. Guess i must be too use to tight fitting wear....
Today's presentation, most of my team mates were so nervous about it. Including me. I don't know why i have phobia speaking in front of many people even people whom i know. I thought it will be alright until it's my turn to speak. I knew i had done quite badly as i forgot all my lines when it's my turn. I can feel the heat coming out from my neck area for that few minutes. Thank God, it's Purdee, who managed to complete her last sentence before the 20min was up.
yey! My group presentation for a combined project falls on next wed which means we have a longer period of time to prepare... ^ ^
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Love matters
After the meeting, i headed to Tampines to watch Love Matters. Some ppl said it was not nice at all whereas some said it is super funny. Tickets were sold out in GV so i rushed all the way to Century sq. So lucky that i'm unable to get the tickets for 2.45pm show. So i went to take lunch before the shows started. Overall, i find the show interesting with a lot of humours that are super duper funny. But there's a lot of sexual content, really not suitable for young kids. Luckily, they rate it as NC16. Haha...
Tomorrow is going to be a super long day as lesson starts from 10am to 6pm with only 1 hour break from 12 to 1 pm. This is due to Finance Accounting Make-up tutorial lesson for first day of CNY.
^ ^
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
First & Second day of Moo Moo yr
After that, they came to my house for a visit as i need to pack my clothes and spectacles since my cousin Hui and I were heading to Cousin Joee's house to stay overnight for a fun night. It's a pitty that my brother didn't join us as he's feeling very tired due to insufficent sleep. We played mahjiong from 11plus all the way to 2plus. It's a 3 person game as we couldn't find the 4th player. I didn asked Sharon if she can join us but she cannot lo... Haha... Now i have somehow mastered how to play the real mahjing in 'TAIS" under the guidance of Cousin Joee... Cousin Hui also know how to play le... Keke. I won for the night! First time leh! Haha, cuz it's easier to win big in a 3 players game.
Today, we woke up around 10plus in the morning to prepare simple breakfast. That was so delicious ya! My parents and brother came and fetch the 3 of us around 1pm. Our first destination was my 四婶婆's house. We went there to 拜太岁爷& 虎爷. This yr, ppl born in the yr of Snake has to 拜虎爷. My 四婶婆 is so funny. She is very good at predicting our future and is quite accurate too. She asked if i like to sing and dance by pridicting from my 生辰八字. Haha, quite accurate as i do like singing, The last question was even funnier. Cuz she asked do i know how to cook? I smile at her and said no. Haha, she said to me, must learn how to cook, it's good for me. Seems like she is hinting to me that i should get this cooking skill... Ok, i shall learn how to cook as soon as i have free time. ^ ^
After that, we went to 2 other relatives' houses for visiting and our last destination was my big uncle's hosue. They invited us for steamboat dinner!!haha! That was my 3rd steamboat for this new yr.... I was somehow sick of the varirty of food for steamboat now.. I will try to avoid this for the next few months ya... Keke.... Overall, i feel that this yr cny past very fast and we did not have enough time to visit more relatives as well as to go out with my family....
Fio & Cousin Joee
Cousin Cheng Hui
Our Breakfast today ^ ^Fio- 2nd day of CNY
Dad's van- described by my cousins that the van look so miniature like a toy van... KEke~
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Last day of Rat Year
Today, didn't go to Sentosa for the flower festival cause my dad came home late from work and we have many stuff left undone. For the whole afternoon, i was on my lappie watching shows, printing notes. Then my parents started the dinner early just now around 7pm. After that my brother and i helped our parents to do some simple housechores like sweeping and mopping the floor. Very tiring as our house is very messy and dirty before we get our work started.
Finally done with the cleaning part for the day, now can relax a bit..... Happy New year! Hope it will be a better year for us... Moo Moo!~ Welcome our mr ox! Bye, mousey! ^ ^
CNY celebration with my friends
After that, we had a festive gathering at CS'house today. The supermaket over there was also packed. I think i waited for more than 15minutes just for paying the groceries. Sharon forgot to bring the sparkles so CK accompied her back home to take.
While waiting for them, we started preparing the food for the steamboat. I was a little guilty for a small accident that occured to CS while he was preparing some food for me. I kept complaining that i'm hungry so he get thing started with the frying pan. Unfortunately, the oil has splashed onto his eye. Luckily, not a very serious problem. When both of them came back, we started on our Mahjong session. It was the first mahjiong session for CK.
Our steamboat session started at 8pm and ended around 10pm. When we helped to clear the messed that we've made, Sharon and I started to get high and talked nonsense. I knew that was nonsense but i enjoyed it! So fun as both CK and CS also joined our nonsense act. I think it's because of the Hoegarden that i've drank. Made me so high... haha... Loong, don't worry la. I only drank one bottle of that beer today. What i'm worrying is the amount of food intake la. Haha! Eat so much nowadays, surely get fatter when cny is over.
Finally, it comes to our last activity for the day which is playing the sparklers before we went home. It has been a long long time that i didn't touch this kind of thing... What a fun day.... ^ ^
Tml, not sure of what time my dad will come back from work. If too late, i dont think we'l be going to Sentosa for the flower festival le... =-='''
Luckily, i managed to reach home a few minutes before my parents or else i will be nagged and nagged by them. yay! ^ ^
Before Meal starts
My Hoegarden Beer
CK- good at running away from cam
After meal
Night view from CS's house area
Final activity for the day
Friday, January 23, 2009
Done with room spring cleaning
We also bought food for steamboat needed for tml's dinner at CS' house. It's another festive that we are going to dine together. However, this time, CY is nt going to join us. I did ask him once again online just now but he didn't intend to reply me. That was what i expected long ago.
Msg for Sharon:
Don't be too afriad to accept the challenge of ur new job... give it ur best shot and see if you really like the nature and pace of the job. All u need is time. Time to see if u r able to adapt. ^ ^ Jiayou!!!
Didn't join CS and CK at CS' house after shopping for food in the afternoon as my grandma will definitely nag at me if i go home late today again. She knows that my leg is still not fully recovered yet. They had a drinking and eating session with Henkkien beer and maggi noodles with the new steamboat heater that we bought at NTUC earlier. Haha... CS finally trained his alcoholic tolerance level. I knew he's going to be alright with the drink de...
I carried on with my drama show and proceeded to the final stage of spring cleaning of my room. Basically, everything is cleaned and considered quite tidy by now.
Yay! Tml can eat steamboat and drink beer lo. I think i have to sleep soon as i need to wake up quite early tml. I'll be accompanying my grandma to the supermarket to buy some more groceries. Her legs are not in best conditions so i decided to accompany her there for safety issues.
Finally a break~
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tiring and fun day
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A tough day
Monday, January 19, 2009
First in my life time
I am wondering how am i suppose to go to Sentosa tml. OMgosh!
My right ankle look like a 猪脚 now.... =-=
When i reach home, i realised that the bomb among the 3Cs has burst again. I guess i am always the cause of it. Due to my self-ishness or neglectance, everything is in a chaos now. I do not know if my reunion dinner with 3Cs and Sharon will still be on this coming weekend. Once again, my mood is in a mess again. How i wish everything will remain unchange...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Project meeting on sunday
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Shopping at Orchard
Friday, January 16, 2009
2 projects down
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Shopping for chinese new year goodies
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
FEM Presentation Day
Smilez with our yellow board- site plan & mini version of our poster =)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The day before Festival & Event Mangement's presentation
Monday, January 12, 2009
my chicken soup with a dumpling in the middle of the soup--- taste nice but can be even more delicious
Tenderlion-- looks nice but cant eat =-=""
Purdee and I headed to National Library at bugis straight when our lecture ended around 3plus. On the way, we were disucssing about our hazy future when our poly life is going to end in about a year time. We were very lost and worried that we cant enter the local govt uni. Haiz... I have been thinking what is my plan when my poly ends next year. Typically, my only academic semester left is year 3.1 only sonce 3.2 is our attachment programme, going out to work.... =-=
I just bought my new formal high heel shoes today at bugis for only 19.90! Finally can buy a new pair cuz my old court shoes are damaged from wear and tear... I like the new shoes a lot cuz more trendy! Kekek....
Now, i am prepare to spend my long weekend (fri to sun) with my project mate cuz another big project is going to due next fri.... OM Tian!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A fun day
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Bad mood
Thursday, January 8, 2009
TP Open House 2009
Today OPen house was quite fun. The most common question students will ask is the difference between hospitailty and tourism mangement & leisure, resort management. I was put in charge among the 7 student counsellors. Haha, i was commented to be so kanchiong cuz i kept asking them go drink more water and go for lunch break. I'm like a mother today, kept nagging. Haha. Our throat were easily dried up cuz we talked a lot for the 5 plus hours.
I also managed to psycho my tutor, ms chua, to developed our group photo on the spot that was taken before the OPEn house started officially today. She is really nice man... Haha...
I just finished my part for festival and event ppt slides. Need to do compiling once my group mates sent theirs to me by tonight. I doubt i can compile tonight as i can feel my eyes going to close soon.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
1 Major Gp Project is over
This morning, we handed up the finalised project before 9.30am. We were also quite satisfied with the pace of our combined major project: CRSPA and CSIT after consultation with our tutor. At least he seems to be quite impressed with our hard work and enthusiasm. Haha! Feel so high ever since the consultation was over. We went to Carl's Junior for our brunch. That cost me a bomb at around $12 plus. Feel a little heart pain cause I am not working now…. But I console myself that it was a day which we should treat ourselves better with good meal and fun tours at Pet Safari + Arcade.
BUT, we did a short meeting on what to prepare for FEM presentation next week before we went to fun. So at least we had get the most important stuff done first before we went crazy like mad women and man!
I like one kind of dog breed, corgi, which is the same as on my lappie's skin. After that, we went to the Arcade to distress ourselves. I played twice on the basketball shooting game. Feel super high and energetic after that.
However, our mood sank down once we went for the FEM tut. I really can't stand the tiredness and I fell asleep at interval during the class. Feel very bad as it has been a long time that I didn't dose off during lesson time.
I came across an article saying that one should laugh for 1min which is equivalent to 45minutes of exercise. Therefore, we should laugh more… wahahah! Interesting fact man….
I intend to sleep once I had taken my bath when I reached home just now but I didn't. Guess I will be sleeping early today as my dark circle is getting darker!!!
Omg, haven't iron my formal wear which I need them for tomorrow TP Open House. Need to get things started before I lose all my energy level…
Staging at Vivo City specially for countdown
Christmas Tree at Vivo- i think should be 28feet high ba =)
At Vivo's Starbucks- nice ambience
At Vivo's Starbucks in the evening
Corgi!!!!--- about 3 months plus already
This is the photo that i like the best =)
This dog above is about half year old- looks bigger than i first saw a few weeks ago
Like its fluffy fur!
Cute hamster!-- see one of them is sleeping with its stomach facing the ceiling ^^
Exercising huh?!
SO many hamsters like to squeeze in one place-- think it's a best method to keep warm, haha!
This cat is considered a 'PR' cuz its always there in the cage ever since i first saw. We said that this cat is watching 'horror show'---- grooming of dogs by the vets.... wahahaha! TAke a look at its stomach!!! So fattish!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
A very productive meeting
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Project Meeting
Saturday, January 3, 2009
New Year Resolutions
-Spend more time with family, show more concern
-No more part time work during school semester
-Work hard and play hard
-Study hard to aim for better GPA of at least 3.5
-No more rejections against my will
-Keep my room as tidy as possible
-fio- ^ ^
Why do i always need to reject?
I was somehow stunned that i received a call from Kenneth just a few moments ago. He told me he was at my house area again. This time, he bought supper for me! @ @ I rejected going down to meet him. If i were to go down, my family will be suspicous about my actions. In my own thinking, i feel quite bad to reject his offer afterall. But i still don't wish to get things even more complicated. OMG, can this kind of things stop happening to me. I really need a break. It's really tiring to keep thinking for the other party's feeling especially guys.
Back to Square 1
I finally realised that to become back as square one is the most appropriate solution.
Sometimes, it's better to let things kept unknown then saying out loud.
Is back to square one the best solution to the chaos? I hope so.
Any extra feelings should be forgotten as time pass by.
I shouldn't be too concern with such situations from now on.
Let natural takes it course….
No more high hopes pin on guys except me, myself
I finally sorted out my thinking, to keep a distance with guys to prevent any misunderstanding.
Little Girl is no longer a little girl.
I am just an ordinary girl after all…
Focusing on living to the fullest is my priority in life….
I knew I can forget unhappiness in a very short time.
Jiayou, Fiona!!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2nd Post for the Day
I don't think my stomach is in good condition. Feeling weird. Not very sure of how to describe the feeling.
One thing i was very angry with myself.
The money for Malacca trip had remitted into our bank account. I was so happy to receive the letter last night. But i realised that i forgot to inform the school administrative people that i've changed my account number.
After confirmation with the POSB customer officer last night through phone, i was relieved that i can get back the amount of money as the money will not be able to transfer to a closed bank account. They school will be informed about this matter.
Happy New Year 2009
It is the first day of year 2009. I really hope to have a good start from today. I think the upcoming weeks will be becoming more hectic due to projects and tests deadlines.
I think my stomach is feeling better by now le. But I am suffering from headache… Feel like sleeping more but I was disturbed by my mum and brother this morning. I'm afraid I can't sleep now as my house is quite noisy. Hope I can take a short nap later so that I have energy to go and complete my tutorials and assignments.
I think I have to make it clear on some issues as I can no longer tolerate the strange feeling anymore. I'm sorry to say that I don't have any feeling for CY. I treat him purely as friends since the start. I hope when he sees this, he will know what I mean. I just wish to stay in this way and nothing more than that.
I think it hurts to say something to a person but I don't wish misunderstanding to turn worse in future.
However, I wish that friends will be there for each other when we need them anytime and vice-versa.
I could hear sounds made by fireworks at 12am but didn't get the opportunity to see the sparks from my house area.
It's alright; this is an indication of a brand new year.
Let's work hard to achieve our goals in life together!
Better grades and happenings around us…. =)