Monday, April 27, 2009

2nd wk of sch

Today, my school starts officially as tutorial classes start from week 2 onwards. I did try to wake up earlier than usual but i was still unable to get up onto bus 23. I was so stunned that i couldn't get up onto 2 buses this morning. I was late then... However, i took cab to TP with 3 other TP students at my house bus stops. To my surprises, one of the Malay guy among the 3 asked me what's my previous school. In my memory, he is really familiar but i can't tell who he was. Then after a short and rush chat, we knew that we'r in the same batch of primary school! That's such a coincidence.... I think he was in class 6/4 while i'm in class 6/3. Haha, next time, if i'm really going to be late for morning classes, i can get the 3 of them to share a cab... Or else i hav to incur the full cab fare of $6 plus even though of short distance due to the extra 30% surcharge.
I rushed into the classroom and i was slightly late only. Luckily, the tutor was alright with us since it's first wk of tutorial class. Sarah was also late as she also faced the same problem as me. I think we have to go out earlier than today for the time being since we cant squeeze up the bus nowadays. ><><>
Today, Sarah gave me a big surprises when she walked into the classroom. Her hair style has changed completely. She permed her hair and i feel it's quite nice. This suits her more... ^^ Look like a korean gal. I always wish to perm hair but i am very afriad of the results such as becoming straight again in a short period of time and need to apply cream every time after hair has been washed. Haiz, i think i will not go for any hair style changes for the time being. I want my hair to be longer!!! hahaha.... Ohya, thanks Sarah! I love the biscuits that you bought from Taiwan!!! Super duper nice! I'm being addicted to it now!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Random test

I happened to see this test from Wenyi's blog.


You may want to give it a try… ^^



  1. 公车靠站,车上已经载满了人,下一班车要一刻钟后才到,你会怎么办呢?

  ◎不想再等下去了,再挤也要上车──请答第 2 题

  ◎人太多了,还是等一班吧!──请答第 4 题

  2. 旅行途中的你突然头很痛,这时正好有热心人拿药给你吃,你会如何抉择呢?

  ◎说声谢谢后马上吃药 ──请答第 6 题

  ◎找理由拒绝对方的药──请答第 3 题

  3. 某部电影很让你感动,你有何反应呢?

  ◎会跟身边的人讲故事情节,推荐给别人 ──请答第 12 题

  ◎将感动藏在心里,不需与人分享──请答第 7 题

  4. 一辆红色的面包车开到湖边,你认为里面坐的是什么人?

  ◎一队情侣或一家人──请答第 3 题

  ◎歹徒──请答第 5 题

  5. 画面上有一颗桃心,你会联想到什么呢?

  ◎爱情──请答第 12 题

  ◎ 扑克牌 ──请答第 8 题

  6. 朋友说她要去参加一个聚会,你会怎样呢?

  ◎要求带你一起参加─ ─请答第 9 题

  ◎除非她主动说要带你去,不然的话只有保持沉默──请答第 10 题

  7. 和男孩子一起用餐,餐费是他主动付的,好像花了不少钱,你有什么感觉呢?

  ◎觉得过意不去,之后会跟他平摊费用 ──请答第 10 题

  ◎男生埋单天经地义,会道谢但不出钱 ──请答第 12 题

  8. 参加同学会的时候发现你最要好的朋友却没来,你会怎么办呢?

  ◎觉得很没趣,早早回家吧──请答第 13 题

  ◎硬着头皮敷衍到底──请答第 12 题

  9. 你希望多少岁的时候步入结婚礼堂?

  ◎ 21-25 岁 ──请答第 11 题

  ◎ 26-30 岁──请答第 10 题

  10. 星期天在家,手机和座机同时响起,你会怎么办呢?

  ◎ 先接其中的一个 ──请答第 15 题

  ◎两个一起接──请答第 16 题

  11. 如果你抽奖中了一栋别墅,你希望它位于何处呢?

  ◎ 海边或湖畔 ──请答第 14 题

  ◎小岛上──请答第 15 题

  12. 拥挤的车厢里一位漂亮的女孩子被人踩到脚了,你认为她的表情应该是怎样的呢?

  ◎疼得叫起来──请答第 16 题

  ◎非常生气,责怪对方──请答第 17 题

  13. 一位跟你不是很要好的朋友请你吃饭,你会有什么感觉呢?

  ◎对方发财了──请答第 21 题

  ◎必然有事相求 ──请答第 17 题

  14. 朋友送了一份你不是很喜欢的礼物给你,你会怎么做呢?

  ◎平静地说谢谢──请答第 18 题

  ◎假装很开心的样子──请答第 19 题

  15. 大卖场四折大清仓,你会怎么做呢?

  ◎疯狂大采购──请答第 18 题

  ◎不一定要买什么──请答第 19 题

  16. 你是否将人家送给你的东西转送给他人?

  ◎有过──请答第 19 题

  ◎ 从来没有 ──请答第 20 题

  17. 一位妖精女子在等出租车,凭直觉你认为她要去做什么呢?

  ◎去跟男朋友约会──请答第 16 题

  ◎去夜总会上班 ──请答第 21 题

  18. 突然有人从背后重重地拍了一下你的肩膀,你猜这个拍你的人是男生还是女生呢?

  ◎ 男生 ──请答第 22 题

  ◎女生──请答第 23 题

  19. 你比较喜欢喝冰红茶还是珍珠奶茶呢?

  ◎珍珠奶茶──请答第 18 题

  ◎冰红茶──请答第 20 题

  20. 你和好朋友一起乘车,你会主动帮对方买票吗?

  ◎会──请答第 24 题

  ◎ 不会 ──请答第 21 题

  21. 对于酷酷的异性,你有接近他的想法吗?

  ◎有──请答第 25 题

  ◎ 没有 ──请答第 23 题

  22. 一男一女在街上勾肩搭背,你认为他们是什么关系呢?

  ◎恋爱关系──答案 A

  ◎ 没有 ──请答第 23 题

  22. 一男一女在街上勾肩搭背,你认为他们是什么关系呢?

  ◎恋爱关系──答案 A

  ◎ 纯友谊关系 ──答案 B

  23. 每个女孩子都有玩家家的经历,回想一下,孩童时代的你比较喜欢扮演妈妈还


  ◎喜欢扮妈妈──答案 E

  ◎喜欢扮小孩─ ─答案 C

  24. 在游乐场玩耍,你比较喜欢玩以下哪一个游乐项目呢?

  ◎摩天轮──答案 F

  ◎秋千── 答案 D

  25. 跟朋友在一起好像总有说不完的话题似的?

  ◎ 是的 ──答案 G

  ◎不一定──请答第 24 题



  A. 梅花鹿









  B. 海龟









  C. 折耳猫









  D. 牧羊犬









  E. 金丝猴






  你在感情上是相当自我的人,表面上对恋人百依百顺,其实却很有自己的想法和原则 ,你讨厌被恋人命令和束缚,一旦分歧过大,你便会主动提出分手。



  F. 长颈鹿


  长颈鹿是位冷静的思考者,这类型的人知性而优雅,喜欢研究问题,为人成熟稳重,进退自如,绝不会做出令人大跌眼镜的事情来,人缘不错,大家都很喜欢你,不管遇到什么状况,你都能冷静处理,但也因为在一些小地方上过于保守,可能会白白错失不 少机会,当机会降临时可要抓牢哦!


  你从不会拒绝别人的请求,不管身边的朋友拜托你做什么,你都欣然接受,这样一来 ,很容易把自己累坏哦!别人喜欢依赖你,而你却找不到可以依赖的人,你必须向别人请求支援才能为自己减压。





  G. 野象


  野象从小就生长在丛林里,非常热爱自由,高大醒目的外表很是抢眼,这类型的人开朗乐观,自由奔放,颇得众人的喜爱,豪放起来有点不拘小节,不了解你的人可能会被吓一跳哦!你具有积极进取的精神,为人坦率直接,行事果决,不管遇到大事还是小 事,都不会犹豫,越能激发你的斗志。







Saturday, April 18, 2009

Last Week of Vacation

Today, it's my last 3rd day of vacation. I still feel that my vacation is not long enough for me. <I do not need to go for lesson on mon since I can crash lect on tues morning> ^^


Last Sat, I went to sim lim sq to buy the M2 card for my brother's phone. I manage to find a good deal at one of the store located at level 5. 2 GB M2 card costs $13 only. Initially, I wanted to buy a router for my desktop but CK is willing to give me his old wireless modem since he's re-contract his home broadband on wed. With new modem, I will then be able to give my brother the desktop.


On wed, I went to Tampines One Shopping Mall to meet Cousin Daniel and collect the masks that I've ordered from him online. He drove his new car there and I really like those small sized cars!!! On that day, I was contented as CK treated me Sushi Tei. I was craving for the paper hotpot for very long time. The next item which I craved next was ice cream. The very first visit to Sushi Tei at Vivo City, I ate the green tea ice cream while this time, I ate the black sesame ice cream. Haha!! I was addicted to both ice creams!


On Thurs, I transferred 800plus dollars to my aunt's account due to the Taiwan fees. I can feel the pinched on my heart but luckily, my dad sponsored me $500 even though we had bargained earlier on.


Yesterday, I had a steamboat gathering with Cs, Ck and Sharon. Location didn't change and it's still at Cs's house. Thanks to Sharon as she initiated this idea. Overall, we had a very full dinner as usual and before the steamboat, we had a short mah-jong session. I am glad that things didn't change. We are still the old bunch of people, mingling happily like the past. Guess this is our last gathering during our vacation before our school term starts officially on coming mon. < even though Ck's vacation has ended a wk ago>


TP's timetable was out on Thurs. In fact, I knew which class I was in on wed night. I was somehow disappointed that Wenyi and I are in different class. And on the same day, I knew that Regina and Candy whom they are in the same class as me in Sem 2.1, also got into the same class as me on the coming semester!!! So happy! On the next morning, I received an overseas call from Sarah and she broke the news to me that we were in the same class!! Wohoo! Even though Wenyi and the 2 of us are in different class, we are lucky enough to go lectures together as well as lunch…. =D


Today, I stayed at home for the whole day. And I finished chasing most of the dramas and I still 2 more books to complete my fruit basket comics which my cousin has lend me a yr ago. Tomorrow, I think Joey will not be joining us for the temple visit at Wan Fatt Lim Temple as her exams are around the corner… Jiayou, Joey!! I know u can do it man…. ^^

Friday, April 10, 2009

Weeks of Joy

It has been a long time that i did not make a post for this blog. Lazy... Since March ended, i do not have to go for work. I have been enjoying myself for the rest of my vacation. I did visit places which i haven't been before. For instance, marina barrage. It is a very place for people to chill out with friends. I went there wih CK with our home made food such as salad. We had a fun day over there. I'm sure it's going to be even better for people to visit once the Integrated Resort starts its operation. After that, we headed to bugis, the new shopping mall called Iluma. There are many vacant shops which are still under renovation. Currently, the most happening shop in that mall is Filmgarde cinema. They are having a promo price at $6 until today.

On 28th March, Ck n i went to meet my cousin and ex-Video Ezy colleagues at Siglap. We went to have supper at Mas Asyu. It was rather awkard as Ck is very shy... =.= I hope next time, it'll be an even better gathering. It has been a long long time that i didn't meet Vivien and Caryl! I missed them lotz. Glad to know that they are still the same... Not much changes. haha... After that, Joey and i headed to our grandma's house to stay for the night as we had to tomb sweeping event to attend for the next day. This year's tomb sweeping event was a smooth one. Just that i had an unpleasant encounter in my grandma's house on that night. SobZzz....

I also manage to get a replacement for my Fosil watch as it's not un god condition. Initially, i wanted to get back the same Fossil model a it's the Valentines' Limited Edition for either yr 07/08. However, there isn't any more stock in their warehouse. Therefore, i chose to get a new design from Michael Kors. The watch is rather elegant than the previous one due to its design. I like it very much. However, i had top up a total of $90 due to $60 of difference and $30 for the previous Fossil crown which i was the main reason why i sent it for repairing services. I am rather contented as i got a new watch out of no where.

Yesterday, i went out with Sharon and Ck to downtown east and watch the movie, Handsome Suit. This movie is rather similar to the movie, 200pounds beauty. Storyline is all about appearance. Both'r trying to tell the audience that appearance doesn't means everything. There are more to cherish than rejecting themselves or other people based on appearance. Overall, not too bad, but i still prefer 200 pounds beauty. After that, we headed to expo as there's a courts mega sales. I was looking out for M2 memory card for my brother's phone as he had dropped his old samsung phone into the toilet bowl... That's very careless of him! However M2 card is considered of a higher pricing as compared to other cards. We didn't manage to get the card at the fair there as there'r not many items being exhibited!!! Quite disappointed though.... Long time never go out with Sharon already. That's our first time to go out during out vacation!! Had a fun day ya.... Thanks to her that she has excess cash with her when we'r very hungry at the expo, just before heading home. When went to buy the hotdog bun from orange julius. The hotdog was great! Just that we didn't do a good job when adding mastard, chilli and tomato sauce. Will pay her back next time when we meet again^^

During this long vacation, i had chased finished many dramas:

-星心的泪光 (Taiwan drama)

-盛世人杰 (HK drama)

-大冬瓜 (HK drama)

-甜孙爷爷 (HK drama)

-坚人奸 (HK drama)

-Piano No Mori ( Animae Movie)

-爱情全保 (HK drama)-- want to start watching today but tudou's web is really slow!!
I was relieved to hear from Sarah that she's recovered from sickness last week! Ohya... She can finally have a peaceful vacation before school is going to start soon. Next week, i'm going to have an outing with Sarah and Wenyi... Haven't decided on the details yet, probably go to Escape Theme Park or Wild Wild Wet or K box??? Wenyi has finally finished her English Course at British Council this week.... wohooo! And she did quite well for the overall test! Congrats ya~~