Today, one of my group mate handed up her individual assignment very late. We hope our tutor will be lenient towards her eventually. This morning, i could see all of my groupmates very very tired as most of them didn't sleep for the night and to rush out their work. However, they said that i looked even tired as compared to them even i did sleep for the night. It's because i couldn't wear my contact lenses this morning as my right eye are very red and swollen. Then i look very shag when i reached school. I didn't really sleep well last night probaby due to the caffine effect. I drank a small cup of ice moccoa from our school business canteen on yesterday afternoon.
This afternoon, i went to cs house together with ck for lunch session as i need to return cs's thumbdrive just in case he need it urgently for projects. We went to eat around that area and continued to watch my bolt which i have stopped halfway last night. I find the some funny and entertaining but not as fantastic as Ratatuoile. Finally understand why Loong always said that the hamster, Rhino, is a crazy animal! HAhaha!
Tomorrow, i'm not joining with Sharon, Cs and Ck for badminton session. I can still feel my ankle area very uncomfortable. Luckily, still can walk like a normal people. Tomorrow, going out with my cousin Joey in the late afternoon. Timing is just nice as she need more sleep. She is having mahjong session with her poly good friends and i expect they will play till next morning around 7 or 8plus. Why do i know so well? Haha, cuz i played with them for a few times already. They are really power! Can tahan for such a long hours of session in mahjong! Ok, all the best to my Joey!! Must win money hor... Keke.. I go sleep le ba, feeling very tired. Night night ^ ^
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